Meet Rob
Dear Residents of Wayne County-
I would like to extend my gratitude, in advance, for the opportunity to correspond with you as I continue to seek your support to remain the Sheriff of Wayne County. It has been an honor and a privilege to live and serve in this community for the past 29 years and I would like to continue that service in my second term as your Sheriff.
Wayne County is a wonderful place to call home and raise a family. I am a resident of Palmyra, where I brought up my children who are now contributing members of society. In 1995, I began my career with Wayne County, beginning part-time employment with the Sheriff’s Office and with the Lyons Police Department. It was then that I cultivated my passion for police work and followed my calling to become a devoted public servant. A short time later, I accepted a full-time position with the Sheriff’s Office and never looked back.
As a member of this community, the position of Sheriff must be filled by an experienced, dedicated, motivated and proven leader. I have thirty years of service as a police officer, with over twenty-nine of those years as a sworn member of the Wayne County Sheriff‘s Office. I have enjoyed twenty-four of those years at the supervisory level and I am a firm believer that public safety employees MUST be held to a high standard as they serve the public. To that end, a strong law enforcement leader needs to maintain the highest degree of integrity in representing his/her office, as well as his/her community.
Critical to law enforcement is the willingness and ability of its members to maintain technological advancements, as those same progressions are used in nefarious ways against our communities. It is essential that law enforcement maintain those innovations through constant and updated training and public support. I have been fortunate in my career to have had the backing from my administrators to implement improvements in law enforcement through cutting-edge equipment and training. None of this would have been possible without the mentoring of such public servants as Retired Sheriffs Richard Pisciotti and Barry Virts. They both set high expectations for everyone in their employment, and I continue those expectations of myself in order to maintain the safety and well-being of not only the residents of our community but of the officers that protect and serve us.
I hold numerous certifications and am a graduate of the FBI National Academy, where I studied Leadership in Law Enforcement, which included: legal issues impacting law enforcement operations, legal concerns for command level officers, labor law, and personnel matters. This intense course of study for law enforcement administrators in Quantico, Virginia contributed to my acquisition of a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice in 2018 and assisted in preparing me for the administrative demands of the Office of Sheriff.
Throughout my career, I have understood the importance of cooperation and coordination with my law enforcement partners from the local, state and federal levels. It is imperative that all levels of law enforcement integrate their tasks, duties and functions to work collaboratively within public safety. We must work with other public agencies to provide the most efficient, swift and economical approach to the protection and service of the citizens of our community. That is why I was a founding member that sat on the Wayne County Opioid Task Force and the Wayne County Child Advocacy Center Advisory Board. Now, members of my administration sit on those boards. I am certain that I possess the experience, courage, and leadership skills to continue to admirably represent The Office of Sheriff and to enhance its already positive public image. With focus on the future of the Sheriff’s Office, its members, and you, I will employ my familiarity with the implementation of new processes within the public safety community so that we may move ever forward, together.
It is very important to me that those living, working, visiting and traveling through Wayne County feel safe, trust, and have confidence in those that are sworn to provide public safety to you and your families.
I am confident that I can continue to serve this community with honor and integrity as your Wayne County Sheriff. I have not only the ability, but the desire, to be successful in the position, and have a deep love for this community that I call home. I would be honored to have your support and continue to work for you as Sheriff of Wayne County.
Robert E. Milby